Gift Baskets

Show your appreciation with a customizable gift basket!  Baskets are shrink wrapped then finished with a ribbon.  Perfect for the holidays, corporate gifts, birthdays, you name it!

Baskets are usually available for pickup in 1-2 business days. For large orders, you can reach out to us at  Ask about same-day service!


Online ordering for pick-up:

  • Add items to your cart.  If not all of your items are meant for the basket, please list what you would like wrapped in the notes section of your order.
  • Add Gift Basket Service to your cart.
  • Checkout.
  • We will notify you when your basket is ready.  Wait time is usually 1 business day.  Please ask about same-day service!


Stop by and pick out your items, or let us help you put your basket together!  Your basket will be ready for pickup as soon as same-day.